Sharing our passion Inform people about hunting-horn Maintain and perpetuate
with the largest number throughout different performances the practise of this beautiful instrument
President Secretary and communication Treasurer
Emmanuel Pinot Patrice Le Coq Patrick Chauvin
We are welcomed with open arms by the family Du Mesnildot and especially by our president of honorary Madam Françoise du Mesnildot, who makes the outbuilding of the “Plessis” castle available for the players. This place is also known as “Maison Marie”.
Our current music band is divided into 3 groups A-B-C. Most of the hunting-horn players of group B and C meet every Wednesday evening around 20:30 at the Plessis castle. The rehearsals are based on individual work, but also on teamwork for the group B. After practising, aroung 23:00 they share a meal and a convivial moment. The group A works every two weeks on Friday evening either at the Plessis castle, either in the department Maine et Loire in order to balance the rehearsal places and moves of every member.